Integrated IT Services
I run a small programming business located in Cluj-Napoca, Romania with 15 employees and I'm looking for jobs. I have 10+ years experience in adult.
We can do:
Web development with HTML5, Javascript, AJAX, Java Spring, Thymeleaf,
CSS, MySql, NoSql, Php. Our services can range from developing the
simplest static single page to the most complex web-based internet
applications, electronic businesses, social network services, and also web
engineering, web design, web content development, client liaison, clientside/
server-side scripting, web server and network security configuration, ecommerce
Mobile application development with focus on UI/UX design tools, SDKs to
access device features, Cross-platform accommodations/support,
Integration with back-end systems, User authentication-authorization, Data
services, Reusable business logic, App wrapping for security, Data
encryption, Client actions, Reporting and statistics.
Enterprise solutions delineated to integrate multiple parts of a company’s
business through information interchange from various processes areas
and databases. Managers using these solutions will receive real-time
operating information with mission-critical data throughout the
organization's activity.
Service Integration and Management (SIAM) is a doorway to managing
multiple suppliers of services, business and information technology
services, and integrating them to provide a single business-facing IT
organisation. We aim at seamlessly integrating interdependent services
from various internal and external service providers into end-to-end services
in order to meet business requirements.
API, Application Programming Interface, can be created using a set of
routine definitions, protocols, and tools for building software and
applications for web-based systems, operating systems, or database
systems, and it provides facilities to develop applications for that system
using a given programming language.
Portfolio in private or by Skype: mrovidius