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-   -   Serious Matter. Is anyone else being SHAKED down for THOUSANDS by Jupiter Hosting?? (https://gfy.com/showthread.php?t=876681)

Anal Hobbit 12-25-2008 12:07 AM

The Anal Hobbit Endorses Navisite.

topnotch, standup guy 12-25-2008 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Snake Doctor (Post 15237848)
Boneprone, you can't offer 2800 and then offer a lower amount after they counter with 3500.

:1orglaugh :1orglaugh :1orglaugh

Sure he can and, what's more, he just did.

In my estimation Boneprone is treating those cocksuckers with all the respect they deserve. :thumbsup

Pete-KT 12-25-2008 04:28 PM

THIS IS some fucked up shit BP4L, hope u get it solved

demigh0d 01-05-2009 04:06 PM

Who's "shaking down" who?

Originally Posted by boneprone (Post 15235095)
I really dont like being pushed around. This is afterall me tucking tail between my legs and letting someone shake me down.

You may want to be more careful on how you word things. "shake down" is defined as "extortion, as by blackmail or threats of violence". Extortion is defined as "the crime of obtaining money or some other thing of value by the abuse of one's office or authority".

Let's go over your issue...

You signed a contract effective 10/30/04 which explained the terms, including the automatic annual renewal of the contract, of service. If you did not agree with the terms you didn't have to enter into the contract. There are plenty of other hosting companies out there.

You now complain that the cost was way too high for a slow server and 10Mb bandwidth cap. Obviously you didn't think it was too much four years ago. Costs do come down over time but unless you re-negotiate the contract you will continue to pay the same rate. Many customers do re-negotiate their contracts and you had the opportunity to do so in 10/05, 10/06, 10/07 and 10/08. You could have had the server and/or bandwidth upgraded at any time. Obviously you were satisfied with the service and cost and chose not to.

Your latest contract renewal date was 10/30/08. You say you canceled in 11/08, after the contract automatically renewed. So according to the contract your signed you are legally responsible for paying until the end of the current contract, 10/30/09.

You are responsible for reading and understanding the contracts you sign. It's not Navisite's job to read it to you, remind you regularly what it says or when it renews.

As for the wording of the contract, that was done by the previous owners of Jupiter Hosting. Navisite had nothing to do with that. But again, it comes down to the fact that you did agree to the wording when you signed the contract.

So, Which part is more unfair or abusive to the other?

a. A company that provided services in good faith and is only trying to enforce the agreement signed by the customer.

b. The customer publicly blasting the company because suddenly, after 4 years of service, he doesn't agree with the contract he signed and did nothing over the years to re-negotiate it.

Disclaimer: I am a current employee of Navisite/Jupiter though I work in an engineering capacity and have no direct relations with sales or collections. The above opinions are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of my employer.

Ethersync 01-05-2009 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by demigh0d (Post 15285276)
Disclaimer: I am a current employee of Navisite/Jupiter though I work in an engineering capacity and have no direct relations with sales or collections. The above opinions are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of my employer.

Told ya to get this thread deleted...

jscott 01-05-2009 05:49 PM

demigh0d, what about if a customer was given crappy service and was lied to in order to get him to sign the contract, then that customer tried to re-negotiate his contract and those support tickets were closed without being taken care of or even replied to?

Anal Hobbit 01-05-2009 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by demigh0d (Post 15285276)
The above opinions are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of my employer.

So maybe you should keep your fucking mouth shut?
Do what you are paid to do and stay the fuck out of this.

Its above your payscale.

demigh0d 01-05-2009 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by jscott (Post 15285640)
demigh0d, what about if a customer was given crappy service and was lied to in order to get him to sign the contract, then that customer tried to re-negotiate his contract and those support tickets were closed without being taken care of or even replied to?

But that is another legal issue.

First of all, the contract was produced by Jupiter Hosting, not Navisite. Navisite doesn't know what was said or promised in 2004, they didn't purchase Jupiter until mid 2006 (I believe. This was before I started here).

Second, it's (normally) all in the contract, usually along with a clause that states that anything verbal is not binding. I've never seen the whole contract so I can't say for sure.

Thirdly, when dealing with legal contracts and re-negotiations, if you aren't sending your correspondence via registered snail-mail you are a fool. Everyone knows, or should, that email is not 100% reliable and verbal promises are not legally binding.

Then, if the account is not canceled you have something to show a judge in court.

It's all about protecting your arse. Navisite has a signed document, the customer has "well, I sent this email" or "I called to cancel and they ignored it". People lie all the time, judges know this and are going to side with the party with documentation before they side with someone with just stories, however true they may be.

Again, this is just my two cents worth. My opinion, not my employers and it would be the same if I didn't work for them.

Anal Hobbit 01-05-2009 06:23 PM

Its best you stop now

demigh0d 01-05-2009 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Anal Hobbit (Post 15285783)
Its best you stop now

Sorry, but I won't participate in your abusiveness or threats (Yes, I saw your post before you had a chance to edit them out). I'm a little more "Adult" than that. If you cannot converse in a mature and intelligent manner you will be ignored.

xxxjay 01-05-2009 07:57 PM

yes...hit me on icq 62835707

Jdoughs 01-05-2009 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by demigh0d (Post 15285938)
Sorry, but I won't participate in your abusiveness or threats (Yes, I saw your post before you had a chance to edit them out). I'm a little more "Adult" than that. If you cannot converse in a mature and intelligent manner you will be ignored.

The board is called gofuckyourself, what did you expect to find, roses and happy thoughts? :upsidedow

HorseShit 01-05-2009 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by demigh0d (Post 15285938)
Sorry, but I won't participate in your abusiveness or threats (Yes, I saw your post before you had a chance to edit them out). I'm a little more "Adult" than that. If you cannot converse in a mature and intelligent manner you will be ignored.

Does Navisite know some engineer is posting on behalf of their company?

demigh0d 01-05-2009 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Jdoughs (Post 15286169)
The board is called gofuckyourself, what did you expect to find, roses and happy thoughts? :upsidedow

Well, I tried that but it didn't quite work :error (too long, too anal retentive, who knows...), so I thought I'd try something else.

I'm not here to start a war or put the blame on anyone. BP may have other valid reasons for stiffing Navisite that I am unaware of. I'm just trying to offer a balanced view.

I am also not here to be the defender of Navisite though if any current customer has any complaints about Navisite/Jupiter's current service I'd be glad to pass them on to management. A lot of changes have gone into place since I started here (Some good and some bad, IMO) but we are still evolving.

I mainly came here to find out more about the porn hosting industry and to determine if is something I want to try. The subject line of this thread caught my eye and I felt compelled to respond. I felt I should be upfront about my relationship with Navisite and to assure others that I do not speak for them. Better to be honest from the start than to lie and be found out later.

xxxjay 01-05-2009 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by demigh0d (Post 15286220)
Well, I tried that but it didn't quite work :error (too long, too anal retentive, who knows...), so I thought I'd try something else.

I'm not here to start a war or put the blame on anyone. BP may have other valid reasons for stiffing Navisite that I am unaware of. I'm just trying to offer a balanced view.

I am also not here to be the defender of Navisite though if any current customer has any complaints about Navisite/Jupiter's current service I'd be glad to pass them on to management. A lot of changes have gone into place since I started here (Some good and some bad, IMO) but we are still evolving.

I mainly came here to find out more about the porn hosting industry and to determine if is something I want to try. The subject line of this thread caught my eye and I felt compelled to respond. I felt I should be upfront about my relationship with Navisite and to assure others that I do not speak for them. Better to be honest from the start than to lie and be found out later.

Take a look at their 1 year graph:

It seems they can't provide steady hosting, but they love to sue people (even though their service is atrocious)

I can't say a good thing about these guys!

boneprone 01-05-2009 09:09 PM

Navisite is not welcome in Adult.

Snake Doctor 01-05-2009 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by demigh0d (Post 15285276)
Disclaimer: I am a current employee of Navisite/Jupiter though I work in an engineering capacity and have no direct relations with sales or collections. The above opinions are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of my employer.

If I worked for a company whose business model required suing their current and former customers rather than obtaining new ones, I wouldn't be arguing the merits of said lawsuits on GFY, I'd be updating my resume :2 cents:

sandman! 01-05-2009 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by demigh0d (Post 15286220)
Well, I tried that but it didn't quite work :error (too long, too anal retentive, who knows...), so I thought I'd try something else.

I'm not here to start a war or put the blame on anyone. BP may have other valid reasons for stiffing Navisite that I am unaware of. I'm just trying to offer a balanced view.

I am also not here to be the defender of Navisite though if any current customer has any complaints about Navisite/Jupiter's current service I'd be glad to pass them on to management. A lot of changes have gone into place since I started here (Some good and some bad, IMO) but we are still evolving.

I mainly came here to find out more about the porn hosting industry and to determine if is something I want to try. The subject line of this thread caught my eye and I felt compelled to respond. I felt I should be upfront about my relationship with Navisite and to assure others that I do not speak for them. Better to be honest from the start than to lie and be found out later.

no one in porn thats not locked down in a contract with you guys will host with you.

you could be offering free servers and people would still not trust you.

Phoenix 01-05-2009 09:15 PM

yeah who the hell would touch them now...they have to go after your money man...cause no one else will use them now..lol

demigh0d 01-05-2009 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by xxxjay (Post 15286285)
Take a look at their 1 year graph:

Again, I am not here to defend Navisite, though many companies, both good and bad, have been doing poorly in the stock market. We are in a recession after all. We also live in a very litigious society. Would you rather they sent Vito to break your arms and legs? :uhoh

My comments were about the one issue that started this thread.

The people here at Navisite/Jupiter are a very small and dedicated group several of whom worked for the old Jupiter. I feel we do a good job supporting our customers and we are always looking for ways to improve service.

How the rest of the company stacks up, I have no clue. AFAIK the rest of the datacenters are all Windows based and "I don't do Windows". Yeah, that's it, it's all Bill Gates's fault! :)

Why does everyone (Well, maybe not everyone, there were a couple of polite responses) feel so threatened by me?

xxxjay 01-05-2009 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by boneprone (Post 15286352)
Navisite is not welcome in Adult.

I agree.

PornNewz 01-05-2009 10:27 PM

Damn, i missed it

sandman! 01-05-2009 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by demigh0d (Post 15286403)
Again, I am not here to defend Navisite, though many companies, both good and bad, have been doing poorly in the stock market. We are in a recession after all. We also live in a very litigious society. Would you rather they sent Vito to break your arms and legs? :uhoh

My comments were about the one issue that started this thread.

The people here at Navisite/Jupiter are a very small and dedicated group several of whom worked for the old Jupiter. I feel we do a good job supporting our customers and we are always looking for ways to improve service.

How the rest of the company stacks up, I have no clue. AFAIK the rest of the datacenters are all Windows based and "I don't do Windows". Yeah, that's it, it's all Bill Gates's fault! :)

Why does everyone (Well, maybe not everyone, there were a couple of polite responses) feel so threatened by me?

If you think someone is threatened by some random Navistar employee your a bigger idiot then i thought.....

demigh0d 01-05-2009 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by sandman! (Post 15286602)
If you think someone is threatened by some random Navistar employee your a bigger idiot then i thought.....

The why do you feel the need to attack me?

I commented on a specific issue. If you or anyone else disagrees with something I said I have no problem being told. I am very open minded. But "Navisite sucks" or "Navisite sues everyone" or "Look at their stock", etc is irrelevant and unproductive. I could tell you many things that hosting companies say about porn providers, but that too is irrelevant since they are general statements about the industry and may not apply in this case. Navisite isn't the only hosting/colocation company I've worked for and I know many people at others.

I am not Navisite. I do not make company policy and actually know little about it outside of the group I'm in. If you disagree with a specific statement tell me why. Maybe I need enlightening and maybe you'll learn something that makes doing running your business easier. Stranger things could happen.

sandman! 01-06-2009 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by demigh0d (Post 15286678)
The why do you feel the need to attack me?

I commented on a specific issue. If you or anyone else disagrees with something I said I have no problem being told. I am very open minded. But "Navisite sucks" or "Navisite sues everyone" or "Look at their stock", etc is irrelevant and unproductive. I could tell you many things that hosting companies say about porn providers, but that too is irrelevant since they are general statements about the industry and may not apply in this case. Navisite isn't the only hosting/colocation company I've worked for and I know many people at others.

I am not Navisite. I do not make company policy and actually know little about it outside of the group I'm in. If you disagree with a specific statement tell me why. Maybe I need enlightening and maybe you'll learn something that makes doing running your business easier. Stranger things could happen.

You work for a company with shitty biz practices a contract auto renewing every year is complete crap now yes it might and probably is legal that does not mean that a company using this is not shady.

Anal Hobbit 01-06-2009 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by demigh0d (Post 15286403)
Again, I am not here to defend Navisite, though many companies, both good and bad, have been doing poorly in the stock market. We are in a recession after all. We also live in a very litigious society. Would you rather they sent Vito to break your arms and legs? :uhoh

My comments were about the one issue that started this thread.

The people here at Navisite/Jupiter are a very small and dedicated group several of whom worked for the old Jupiter. I feel we do a good job supporting our customers and we are always looking for ways to improve service.

How the rest of the company stacks up, I have no clue. AFAIK the rest of the datacenters are all Windows based and "I don't do Windows". Yeah, that's it, it's all Bill Gates's fault! :)

Why does everyone (Well, maybe not everyone, there were a couple of polite responses) feel so threatened by me?

Becasue you represent Navisite. You have chosen to pick a fight with someone that best should have been left alone. A simple thankyou would suffice.

If this were a playground, youd be little bitch white kid speaking about the King Negro in an all Negro School.

Get the fuck out kid.
Get the fuck out. Before you get hurt.

You are in the wrong part of town.

And Navisite will never be welcome in this part of town ever again.


Brad Mitchell 01-06-2009 06:42 AM

This has officially become the stupidest thread ever.


JamesK 01-06-2009 07:54 AM

So what's 'appenin?

alias 01-06-2009 08:29 AM

Contact me ASAP about getting a navisite server or two please! I'm sold.

Nader 01-06-2009 08:42 AM

Bump for shitty hosting company navisite

dont ever use them :321GFY

i hope they go under

boneprone 01-06-2009 11:08 AM

Yes. This was a shakedown.

Here's the Deal. I had several servers with them. Of which were FREE. Comped in exchange for good word.

When Navisite took over the first thing they did was try to shake me down for $$ for the comped servers. Back pay, current pay, you name it. Month after month threats of getting me to pay what they had no contract for. On servers that were free!

This pay server that we are fighting over now was the smallest one. It was the only server I was paying for. It was the only server with papers on.

After being shaken down for $$ on these servers they had no papers on that had been free for me for 4 years I decided it was time to leave. For one I knew these servers would no longer be comped, but what was worse we were looking at tens of thousands of dollars of back pay they wanted. On free servers! It was time to go.

I told them that it was time I moved on, they closed all the boxes, so I moved on.

It took them a few months to figure out what all they could get me on. They kept trying to bill me for what was comped and they had no papers on.
They knew they couldnt get me on those free servers. Those servers where where all my bandwith was being used and they wanted $$ for it.

The only thing they had me on was this one small server. So they dropped the pursuit of the big cash and now its just this one server.

$9000.00 for a server that was only used for 3 weeks.... THREE WEEKS!!
at 10mpbs. Up till that point I had paid on time and in full all the way up to the day I left. I even paid for those three weeks.. So really the 9k is for 0 weeks and just this unclear contract becasue I left 3 weeks too late.

A bit excessive.

But everything leading up to this was as well.
There was much more to this battle than many of you may think. The dollar amount was much higher and on something they had no ground to speak on. Yet they still tried getting money for it.

Yes, that is a shakedown.

You dont try to collect $$ on a gift.... Especially if that gift has no contract. And especially if that gift was given by someone else.
That would be a shakedown. Thats how I took it, and thats why I really left.

This bullshit now is just the remains of it.
And no, I wont pay it.

boneprone 01-06-2009 11:20 AM

A bit excessive coming after me for this. Anyone who says otherwise is an asshole. Plain and simple.

Its not like I had only used this server for 3 weeks and left and they needed the contract to recoup loss invested. I was on this server for over 3 years. Paying. I decided to leave, it was at the 3 years and 3 week mark. Becasuse it was not at the 3 years 0 week mark they decided to charge me for the rest of the year for leaving "early"

If I had left 3 weeks earlier this 9k would be zero.


They know it, I know it, everyone now knows it.

Im not paying for a service I didnt use.

They can try to come and get it.

demigh0d 01-06-2009 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by boneprone (Post 15288552)
Yes. This was a shakedown.

Here's the Deal. I had several servers with them. Of which were FREE. Comped in exchange for good word.

And here, I think, is where much of the problem lies. We're finding there were a lot of favors and comp'd services provided by the previous owners of Jupiter where there was little or no documentation. The knowledge of these deals left when Ray and his management staff moved on. The only thing Navisite has to work with is the documentation that was left behind.

Navisite has to reconcile these accounts somehow and it's not a charity, it's in business to make money for it's shareholders. It has to account for it's space, bandwidth, equipment and electrical costs. It doesn't have the flexibility that a small privately owned company does.

Unfortunately acquisitions are quite often messy and the hardest hit are usually the customers. Merging one company into another is not an easy task. I've been through several mergers and there are always problems.

I see a lot here being blamed on Navisite that was actually caused by the old Jupiter owners/management (poor documentation, contract wording, etc). Deals were made outside of the contract terms that were never documented. Navisite has to work with what it has. In many cases that may only be the contract. Navisite didn't create the mess but it has to clean it up.

OG LennyT 01-06-2009 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by demigh0d (Post 15288860)
I see a lot here being blamed on Navisite that was actually caused by the old Jupiter owners/management (poor documentation, contract wording, etc). Deals were made outside of the contract terms that were never documented. Navisite has to work with what it has. In many cases that may only be the contract. Navisite didn't create the mess but it has to clean it up.

I think good business would dictate holding them responsible not going after existing customers.. especially customers held in high regard in this industry :2 cents:

OG LennyT 01-06-2009 12:27 PM

.. and if it's not legally possible to go after previous parties, you should chalk it up as a loss and move on.. maybe you should have researched the business a bit better before buying them out. Sometimes the bottom line is surrounded by garbage.

grumpy 01-06-2009 12:56 PM

sign a contract to lease a car then tell them after 3 weeks you dont want the car anymore :) :)

OG LennyT 01-06-2009 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by grumpy (Post 15289042)
sign a contract to lease a car then tell them after 3 weeks you dont want the car anymore :) :)

keep up with the thread dude or stfu :error

DarkJedi 02-25-2009 05:16 PM

any news? how did all play out in the end?

are they still after you?

JamesK 02-25-2009 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Davey Jones (Post 15550262)
any news? how did all play out in the end?

are they still after you?

he paid like $3k I think

HorseShit 02-25-2009 07:16 PM

when I saw this thread was 9 pages almost went on auto ignore in ffvb for being a contest thread

jscott 07-08-2009 01:02 PM

Jupiter/Navisite, waiting on your reply from that email i sent, we also now have a "Serious Matter"

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