GoFuckYourself.com - Adult Webmaster Forum

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ByOffers 02-22-2018 06:03 AM

ByOffers | Adult, Dating, Crypto, Nutra, Loans | EXCLUSIVE
Greetings to the members of GFY forum!

You probably often wonder who you can run with your precious traffic and not be scammed or shaved.
Let me introduce a cure for your sleepless nights with that thought on mind - ByOffers.
With us you can earn thousands of dollars with your best adult, dating, insurance, health, sweepstakes, crypto and loans traffic :pimp

My name's Paul and I'm an affiliate mannager at ByOffers. Now let me explain you who we are and what we do.
As of now more than 4500+ affiliates have trusted their traffic to more than 500+ exclusive offers of ours.
I know this is insufficient for decent affiliates as you, so here are some major details about us:

We realize that payouts are money and money is the reason why we are all here :)
Regarding this matter we take this question with full responsibility and do try to avoid delays and pay on time.
Terms of payments are Net-20 with minimum payout $200. After the first payment is done other terms (like biweekly or weekly) are discussable depending on your traffic volume.

We will pick you the best converting offer with any geo you would like to promote.

Traffic sources
Due to a huge variety of mobile and desktop offers it is for you to convert any traffic you've got.
Apart from bot and spam traffic of course.

At ByOffers we have a lot of offers with different and high payout methods.
We only work with the best and trusted advertisers. Every day we seek for new more profitable deals and create up to 20 new offers daily.
We work with CPL, CPA, PPS, RevShare.

We love our affiliates and we are proud of them and their achievments. Your success is our success!
More than 4500 affiliates working with us now. We will provide you a personal account manager who will answer any question you ask.

Interested? We will be glad to see you here to test our offers.

Still have questions? You are welcome to ask them in this thread or at Skype byoffers. Another way to reach us is via e-mail [email protected]. We are quick in answering :winkwink:

ByOffers 03-02-2018 02:43 AM

Where do you keep your cryptocoins?
Where do you keep your cryptocoins?:2 cents:

So now you've got some amount of bitcoins or altcoins and probably you think where to keep them safe to prevent stealing. Let's have a look at pros and cons of some cryptocurrency wallets, stokes, exchanges and other methods.
The most popular although not the most reliable place to keep your cryptocurrency are so called hot wallets . The reason is that you don't keep the keys with you but in the internet. Which means these wallets don't belong thoroughly to you. Here is where you can find them:

Online wallets
The pros of these wallets is that you can get an access to them anywhere and whenever you wish. But at the same time that makes them quite vulnerable to hacking. The accesses are kept not at your device but at the websites of these wallets.

Exchanger wallets
Some exchangers allow you to keep some amount of cryptocurrency at their wallets. The reason not to keep your money there is the same as in the first case - high vulnerability.

Cryptocurrency stokes
Cryptocurrency stokes servers store lots of different currencies which makes them high aimed among hackers. As known the stokes have been hacked lots of times. The latest was hacking of italian BitGrail which losses exceeded $170 million.

Another good though still not the best place to keep your money in is so called cold wallets or cold storages.
These are more reliable than online wallets as your password is not kept in the internet. Your cryptocurrency is stored on a device and is absolutely offline. There are cold wallets for desktop and mobile devices. Due to bigger vulnerability of computers we recommend you mobile cold wallets.

The most reliable way to keep your money is hardware wallets.
These are made especially for safe storage of cryptocurrencies. They only connect to a computer to occur the cryptofinancial operations. There is a safe processor inside of them which means no need inputting your password everytime. Once you enter your PIN-code the wallet will finish the operation itself. You'll always be able to restore the access to your coins with a help of mnemonic phrase (you get one after purchasing the wallet) if you loose the wallet. The only con of this method is the wallets are quite pricey compare to mostly free online wallets.

The last but not the least protected method to store your cryptocurrency is paper wallets.
These are as simple as it sounds. Both keys for receiving and a private key for sending cryptocurrency are typed on a piece paper. Pretty reliable way but still there are phycisal possibilities to loose the paper etc.

We would suggest you keeping your cryptomoney in different wallets. Same as we keep real money in different places. For instance you can keep large amounts of cryptocoins at hardware wallets and small amounts anywhere else.

P.S. If you'd like to promote some cryptooffers you can find them at ByOffers:
CryptoSoft EN - desktop/mobile [Multigeo] PPS - $400.00 CPA
CryptoSoft DE - desktop/mobile [Multigeo] PPS - $400.00 CPA
CryptoSoft NO - desktop/mobile [NO] PPS - $500.00 CPA
CryptoSoft SE - desktop/mobile [SE] PPS - $500.00 CPA
CryptoSoft IT - desktop/mobile [IT] PPS - $350.00 CPA

ByOffers 05-11-2018 04:21 AM

Ever wonder about new traffic sources?
Good Day, Webmarketers! How is it going?

In case you ever thought about switching to a new traffic source but wasn't sure if there were good offers for that traffic. Let me help you a bit with that and guide you through the most popular and profitable methods of promotion, and how you can use that with our offers.


Search Engine Optimization is one of the most profitable traffic drivers. A website with a right set of SEO tools can bring enormous volume daily. You can start doing SEO without any investments, but for a better results it's worth putting money in. If you are really eager to know more about SEO simply create your website and try to rank it to the first position SERP. Simply google all the questions you'll come up with during your path :upsidedow
As an affiliate manager I'd suggest promoting PPS or RevShare offers with high payout for SEO traffic. Particularly at ByOffers the best would be:

CryptoSoft | PPS | Responsive with payouts ranging from $300 to $500 depending on the GEO.
HookUP.com | PPS | Responsive with a payout $60.
5G Male | PPS | Responsive with amazing $85 payout!

And the most important these offers are ok with doorways, which is great for those of you who prefer Blackhat SEO methods :pimp


Display traffic may mean two things. First - you have your own website with lots of users where you can place a banner with an offer you promote. Second - display traffic is media buy. You simply rent the places at websites and place your banners there. I'd like to focus on the second case. You can find lots of ad networks if you just google it. But you should know which ad network is the most suitable for each niche:

For Adult the two sharks of the industry are ExoClick and TrafficFactory.
Mainstream Dating will convert well with Etarg and Mgid ad networks.
AdprimeHealth worked for me for almost 1 year in Health&Beauty offers.
Crypto and BizOpps offers will be successfully promoted with AdClickMedia.

Anyways you shouldn't forget about AdWords which covers the major part of ads in Google. But you got to be careful as of their restrictions and rules.
With us you can run most of the offers with display ads, yet the most convertible would be these 3 mainstream offers:

VictoriaHearts 35+ | SOI | Desktop with a PPL $6.5.
RomanceTale 35+ | SOI | Desktop with a single opt-in payout $7!
ArabianDate | SOI | Responsive - $4.5 payout.

I would suggest you starting with these 3 because they are easy to promote and convert. Health and Crypto need bigger budgets and some experience.

Social Media

This is one of the simplest (at first glance) ways to promote. On some point it is, but for a voluminous income requires lots of knowledge and time. Nevertheless that's a great option to start with. You can create a community which is applicable to the topic you are going to promote, use special tools (mass following, mass liking etc) to create a huge community. You can also buy ads at Facebook which is extremely convertible in hands of a master if we take into account 2 billions of users at that social network. But that's more about media buying. Social media traffic is considered by the advertisers as one of the most high-quality traffic sources. Some deceitful affiliates call chat traffic a social media traffic which absolutely not and has a way worse quality :stop

We can offer lots of offers at ByOffers for social networks but the most profitable would be sweepstakes and mainstream dating offers such as:

VictoriaHearts 35+ iOS | SOI | Mobile with $3 payout.
Russian Beauty Date | SOI | Desktop - $4 payout.
Airplane Ticket | SOI | Responsive - $2 for just completing a registration form!


I would call e-mail marketing one of the oldest marketing solutions, so it is one of the most effective ways of promotion even though tons of low quality spam e-mails sent every day. You can obtain your e-mail lists through your website or simply buying them. First choice is the wisest as the quality will be much better. Whereas buying the lists may be waste of money as the lists are usually resold couple of hundred times. The most popular offers to promote with e-mail marketing are essay, e-commerce, dating and freebies. At ByOffers I'd recommend to emphasize at mainstream dating offers like:

VictoriaHearts 35+ (E-mail) | SOI | Desktop with amazing payout $9 per SOI registration!
RomanceTale 35+ (E-mail) | SOI | Desktop with the same great payout of $9 per lead!

I hope this you'll find this article useful!

Welcome to test the offers mentioned above here!

ByOffers 07-26-2018 04:43 AM

*EXCLUSIVE* Cams offer | 75% RevShare
Hey GFY dwellers!

We have GREAT news for all of you guys! We have launched EXCLUSIVE offer in cams category xxlcams.club For each user who makes purchase on the website you receive 75% from sale! Isn't it alluring? Ah, yep, targeting is Global! :pimp

Sing up for the offer here
Any questions direct to [email protected]

ByOffers 08-07-2018 06:27 AM

Hey, gfy dwellers!:pimp Today we will discuss how to work with Nutra offers and make good money in this vertical

Nutra (Health & Beauty, Nutraceuticals, Nutra) are various health products. The most common niches in Nutra are vitamins, male enhancement, brain/memory support, weight loss, skin care/beauty etc. Experienced affiliate managers claim that Nutra offers let make profit of any GEO. Also Nutra is a great start for the newbies in affiliate marketing (however for beginners it is usually recommended to focus on the least competitive GEOs like Easter Europe or Asia).

The best options of traffic sources for Nutra are:
- Facebook
- Search ads
- Native ads
- Instagram
- Teaser ads

So how to make money on Nutra?

1. Facebook
There is no doubt that *FB is particularly good for Nutra*, however, it implies certain restrictions. There are several options of using FB as a traffic source:
a. Your own (organic) subscribers of a personal page or a group;
b. Posts in the relevant communities with a large number of subscribers;
c. FB targeted ads.
FB targeted ads is the most complicated option for Nutra offers promotion due to the all requirements of the FB. The FB has its own rules regarding those offers that you can and can not promote. Too aggressive advertising messages or images will receive many clicks, but there is a high chance that you will simply be banned (even though the advertisement has been initially approved). And here is a method of "cloaking", disguise. It shows one landing to the moderator and another landing to the real visitor (based on IP address, country, etc.). Affiliates often use cloaking and it's really working, but there's always a high risk to get banned by FB.

2. Search ads
It is your choice - Bing or Google, however Bing is less competitive.
Appropriate targeting + catchy ad can bring you a lot of good converting traffic. But keep in mind, that some offers have restrictions in bidding on branded keywords.

3. Native ads
Native ads do not distract users from consuming main content of a page, so they are very effective. Native ads for Nutra offers should trigger an emotional response, so pay attention to the creatives. Write a short text which sounds journalistic and do not give away the complete information about a product in your ad. Your task is to make users click on your ads. One more advise: do not direct users from ads right to the sales page, instead do a pre-lander which will convince users in their purchase decision.

4. Instagram
As far as Nutra products can be presented in a visual way very successfully, Instagram is also one of the best traffic options for them. You can use IG for getting traffic in a few ways:
a. An account/s devoted to offers with relevant content;
b. Posts in relevant IG profiles with 1000+ subscribers;
c. IG targeted ads.

5. Teaser ads
If you use teaser ads in a right way - they will undoubtedly give you the desired result. When creating an ad, pay attention to the text: use numbers, promises and intriguing titles. The two main emotions which may cause trigger ad are shock and curiosity. Also do not ignore the targeting possibilities of teaser networks.

Ready to plunge into Nutra promotion? Find here the list of top performing offers
For any questions email/skype at [email protected]

ByOffers 11-21-2018 08:10 AM


Whats up guys?:pimp
Ready for the Black Friday? :small-smi
Our team gives you an opportunity to increase your revenue extremely HIGH!
Till November 30th we increase payouts for a limited amount of offers. Don`t waste your time and use this event at full. Make sure you`re prepared for it!

You can find list of boosted offers below:

295 HookUP.com [US,UA,CA]| DOI | Desktop - $6
1403 Be2 30+ [UK] | SOI | Mobile - $2.20
1283 Xcams Multigeo| PPS| Responsive - $95
692 Snapdate| SOI | Mobile - $2.80
1051 Nopeatdeitit [FI] | SOI | Responsive - $4.00
1048 EngangSligg [SE] | SOI | Responsive - $4.00
1041 TonPlanCu [FR] | SOI | Responsive - $3.00
932 Olydig [SE] | DOI | Mobile - $9.30
993 Lovetoo 25+ [RU] | DOI | Desktop - $0.95
804 SPdate [Tier 1] | SOI | Desktop - $4.50
1077 Cheatinghousewife 24+ [Tier 1] | DOI | Mobile --$7.00
483 Deluxe Cam Girls | DOI | Responsive - $4.00
1439 NakedLocals | DOI | Mobile - $5.60
1128 Bitcoin Compass EN| PPS | Responsive - $450
1122 Bitcoin Compass RU| PPS | Responsive - $230
1120 Bitcoin Compass LATAM| PPS | Responsive - $230
180 CryptoSoft EN | PPS | Responsive - $450
177 CryptoSoft NO | PPS | Responsive - $570
171 CryptoSoft LATAM | PPS | Responsive - $230

Come on! Earlier you will start - more you will get :thumbsup:thumbsup:thumbsup
Always welcome - click here
or contact me on skype: live:lilybyoffers
email: [email protected]

ByOffers 12-28-2018 08:54 AM

Hello mates!
Hello mates!

Our team congratulates you on the upcoming holidays!

We hope that this year was as effective for you as it is for us!
It is always pleasant to achieve the set plans and improve our results, and we are ready to help you with this!

For those who are planning to pour traffic during the holidays, we have prepared an excellent selection of Christmas offers! Squeeze on the full in the last days of the year!

1609 Rudolph iPhone XR [ES] | MO Flow| Responsive 10USD
1591 iPhone XS Christmas [FR] | CPA | Responsive 27USD
1590 iPhone XS Christmas [FI] | CPA | Responsive 32USD
1589 Prisma Christmas [FI] | CPA | Responsive 30USD
1316 Iphone Xs [IT] | PPT| Responsive 10USD
1094 Thisway iPhone XS MAX [FR] | PPT| Responsive 18USD
1327 IPhone XS [FR] |CPA | Responsive 24USD
1326 IPhone XS [IT] | CPA | Responsive 15USD
1325 IPhone XS [SE] | CPA | Responsive 25USD
1628 iPhone XS New Year [GR] | PIN Flow| Responsive 7USD
1611 Rudolph iPhone XR [PT] | PIN Flow| Responsive 6.5USD
1605 Rudolph iPhone XR MO [SI] | MO Flow| Responsive 6USD

Contact us - [email protected] Skype - [email protected]

ByOffers 01-17-2019 09:27 AM

Feel the power of new tracker
Have you already tested a new tracker PEERCLICK from our partners?
So you must do it right now. Register on the peerclick.com Use your promo-code BYOFFERS and get a free period of usage for a month!
PEERCLICK is an advanced marketing tracking platform for Media Buying Teams and Agencies. It brings analysis of all your traffic sources together in one convenient place with ANN (artificial neural network) traffic distribution module. PEERCLICK enables you to work with different kinds of traffic sources, manage advertising campaigns and analyze traffic efficiency, using ONE tool.
PEERCLICK features:
• SAAS technology
• Multicurrency
• Cloaking
• The most up-to-date tracker technology on the market today
• Pay per click
• Handles millions of clicks per day
• Click processing time is 5 ms under any server load
• The highest speed of report generating on the market
• Group Campaign Reports
• Large-scale automated updates every few month
• The fastest and most convenient user interface
• Flexible multi-user system with different access rights
• The average response time of our support is 5 minutes
Sign up link https://referal.peerclick.com/r/2604415000

ByOffers 01-22-2019 05:44 AM

Pin or not to pin?

So, pin-submit are offers, the main purpose of which is to get a subscription to the service by the user. For this you can use different services (antivirus, video, adult, music and other services). Pins are not new, they have been actively affiliated for about 3 years.

Even India, Vietnam, Bangladesh and other Asian countries have now been drawn up, with much emphasis being placed on it, since affiliate marketing as such as and mobile in particular is at the growth stage.

How to earn?
Let's start with the offers. For PIN Submit, the services of paid participation in various sweepstakes, downloading games and applications are excellent. Topics also include antivirus, dating, adult, finance, e-Commerce. It seems to be understandable, but the question is what to propose and how. Let's be honest: to lie (turn gray promo, i.e. press on fear, deceive) or not to lie (work in white, i.e. offer the user what he really gets at the output). That is the main question.

Go to the sources of traffic. There is relatively complete freedom here: you can work directly (if you need to download a ringtone, for example, why invent something), or you can run a landing page with a field for entering a phone, and then a code. This is a little longer and requires great gestures from the user, but it also works. Banners, popanders - you need to test everything!

Among experts, pin-submits are considered a good vertical for a startup, because they are quick, converted and profitable to test, despite the low conversion. This can be a good start for someone who takes the first steps in affiliate marketing and learns, in this niche is very easy entry and a huge number of offers with cheap GEO. Here we are again and returned to tier-3. India, Thailand, Vietnam are countries in which there is a small payout on offers, but a small test budget is also suitable, so it’s easy here to get a profit. Until now, there are geo where the pins were not popular, but the conversions there can simply go off-scale.

Important tips

For example, taking into account the IP ranges on which to target. The advertiser, for sure, has a million or two such addresses. And take into account the time: night hours convert better. And also distinguish the user flow (models of mobile monetization of users, if simpler).

And there are also direct carrier billing (DCB), of which there are also two types: normal (subscribed to the service and the operator removes the lava) and 1-click (clicked on the submit button on the offer page, billing occurred, because the mobile number was determined automatically). 1-click - the most convenient and profitable for arbitration.

Popular payable actions

- One-click subscription (clickflow) – user should tap on screen( doesn`t matter where ) and subscription will be read automatically
- Two-click subscription – at first must do agree with rules (click on checkbox) and push confirmation button
- Pin-submit – user type in his number to get SMS with PIN-code and then type in this code on subscription page

To sum it up, I strongly advise you to test this type of offers and then make a decision if it is your cup of tea!
We have selected for you a small list of Pin-submit offers:

- 1629 Tesco voucher [IE] | MO Flow| Responsive (Meteor, H3G, O2) – 5$ payout

- 1609 Rudolph iPhone XR [ES] | MO Flow| Responsive (Vodafone, Orange) – 10$ payout

- 1605 Rudolph iPhone XR MO [SI] | MO Flow| Responsive (Simobile, Mobitel, Tusmobil) – 6$ payout

We offer you a great chance to experience all this by yourself, to hell with doubt!

ByOffers 03-04-2019 09:43 AM


Hello, webmates!

Today we are going to review maybe the most expensive and the most sophisticated, as for me, category of offers - crypto offers and their promotion on Facebook!
A significant factor that scares the majority of affiliates is instability on the crypto market! Demand changes instantly following changes in the world and the value of the cryptocurrency. But besides the circumstances, which we could not overcome, we still have duties which we have to do for all 100, to make offers convert!
Realy, I don’t know how to make a million on goods from China, but the tips below have saved a lot of budget funds and helped to get a nice profit among our affiliates!

The main reason to write this article were stats of our affiliate:

Flow: Facebook + Anonymous prelander + Profit Formula

Date: 12.20 – 12.24
Demographics: Man + Woman, 33-60 years old
Placement: Mobile

Here we can see that very screen:

Cost: 3,339 $
Revenue: 7,600$
ROI: 127,37%
Profit: 4,261$

Advertiser has indicated such EPC crypto offer indicators, just take a glance:

UK - 24$ PL - 5.07$
DE - 19.87$ AT - 24.33$
CH - 25.44$ IT - 14.65$
NL - 18.97$ DK - 34.26$

In this case we have created checklist according to affiliates feedback and their researches.

- Cloaking, guys! Just to remind!

- Start with the safety of pages, meaning use only “com” domains and check if the domain old or new ( the older the better)

- Have unique content. Always. Only. Seriously

- Don`t forget to check if all compliance on web are included: T&C, Privacy Policy, Contact Us, About us….

- Safe page article is always related to ads

- “Warming up!!!” This one is a must not only for crypto! So, reach at least $500 threshold
because FB gives your account a trust score which relates to your audience quality too (less trusted account ads will be served to worse converting audience!)
- Optimizing. Leave only winning ad in the ad set as they compete among each other for your bid. Caution, do not duplicate adsets aggressively because FB find this action as suspicious!

- Angles + Targeting. Use source BuzzSumo: Find the Most Shared Content and Key Influencers to find the most viral articles titles which will help you to find a proper angle! Combine interests\likes with angle, use your imagination! For example: crypto offer + women + wedding targeting = Story how somebody had a dream wedding thanks to extra money from crypto, why not? “57-year-old man dumped her wife and moved to Las Vegas to enjoy his crypto earnings!” - sounds truthfully. Find which demographics are working the best for a particular angle and then customize the short story accordingly (men 50 – 60 years old means “57 year old man” in headline). It must be mentioned - please, say “No” to obvious trigger words like “make money”, “get rich”, “secret exposed” etc.

- Targeting and retargeting is a must!

- For the most curious. Here are some examples of good catching ads:




In general use images with emotions and as much related to prelander as possible. If people see something else after clicking the ad then they give you negative score. Experiment with video ads also – they have lower CPC and better results.

Here is a list of FB api responses to rejected ads/banned accounts for you to learn on mistakes:
https://mega.nz/#!1sYFyLDZ!KzfPt6_gI...UB_FRCVm kBRk
This might help you to save some accounts if you have too high expenses buying/farming them!
To sum it up, looking on stats I could say that promoting via FB Ads is the most “convertible” traffic source, but do not be hesitated to test everything else! Maybe you will find much more profitable way to monetize your traffic!

Feel free to contact our managers if you`ll have any questions :

Dan:- [email protected], Skype - [email protected]
Dimitar: email - [email protected], Skype - affiliates_388
Lily: email - [email protected], Skype - lilybyoffers

ByOffers 03-29-2019 07:54 AM


Hello colleagues.

URGENT! We are looking for quality traffic on Adult, Nutra for EU (BG, PL, IT, DE, CZ) avg payout - $ 11, Health & Beauty for Asia (TH, PH, MY, VN) avg payout - $ 9 PPL

As a motivation, we offer an increased payout for Adult:
2330 Adult Swipe [CA,US] | DOI | Responsive - 2,5$ / 3.2USD
1723 CasualMatchClub 35+ [AU] |DOI| Desktop - 4$ / 5USD
1706 Fuck Dates [UK] | SOI | Responsive - 1$ / 1.8USD
1637 Stripchat [Multigeo] | SOI | Responsive - 1$ / 1.6USD
1665 Erotic Madness |SOI| Responsive - 2,5$ / 3.2USD

ByOffers 04-12-2019 06:06 AM


Hey colleagues, we`re happy to inform you with our new offers and payouts ;)

Check our best offers , you will be satisfied he-he :)

826 Fuck Swipe | PPT| Responsive (CHAT) 20USD

587 RegionFlirts [AU] | DOI | Desktop 5.5USD

893 WellHello | PPT| Responsive 50USD

595 MilfsHookup | DOI| Mobile 3.2USD

2857 Dating.com EMAIL only [US] |SOI| Responsive 3USD

Offers Just Sex Only [EU GEO`S] | CPA | Responsive 40USD

Offers Local sex friends [EU GEO`S] | CPA | Responsive 40USD

Contact our AM`s for a details:

Dan Skype: [email protected] Email - [email protected]
Lily Skype: lilybyoffers Email - [email protected]
DimitarSkype: affiliates_388 Email: [email protected]

ByOffers 04-19-2019 07:21 AM


My greetings! We are announcing an unprecedented campaign.

We provide over 800 nutra offers covering both Europe and Asian countries. COD, PPL, PPS. Payouts range from $3 to $60.

Do not even think to see unknown brands among offers. Only the best converting offers such as KETO, AminoFit, Idealica and many others are available to you.

Our managers are ready to accept all your wishes and provide only the best offers for your traffic.

For more information, contact our best gut specialists:

Dan Skype: [email protected] Email - [email protected]
Lily Skype: lilybyoffers Email - [email protected]
Dimitar Skype: affiliates_388 Email: [email protected]
Dara Skype: dara.grivas Email - [email protected]

ByOffers 09-04-2019 05:36 AM

Monetizing email data with unlimited blasts per day!

Perfect news for all webmasters who work with email lists :pimp

Searching for ways of monetization of your email newsletters to raise revenue? Guys from ByOffers offer you its email sender with unlimited quantity of outgoing messages per day!

Your newsletters will be sent directly to the right place – inbox! Everything is on ByOffers team – from cleaning the base and creating email templates to optimization!

How does it work? :food-smil02
1. Webmaster provides email list on NDA. ByOffers team cleans it and makes a template for the newsletter.
2. After that, they send emails with offers regarding the theme of your email list, optimizing EPC in real time.
3. Your email list is making money!

Interested? Learn all the details by writing on [email protected]

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