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mpahlca 11-30-2010 12:58 PM

Idea Generation, Potential, and Growth
To start this is something I have been working on for some time, it?s not perfect but it?s what I believe in to my core.

Building Idea Succession

Every company out there started as one person, one idea and then that idea grows, gets taken up by others. They then expand the idea and grow the original idea beyond the scope of the founder/originator.

This is the expected growth pattern of most businesses, however when your idea stops growing how does your business continue to grow?

Does the founder/originator need more or better ideas? Of course they do, but honestly you are always hoping for staff that will take an idea and grow it with you.

I believe that in creating a culture of innovation, development, and accountability; you can create an office full of idea succession where your employees can grow your business for you.

Defining Assets

So the first step to me in office productivity and idea succession is defining your existing staff assets, being able to do this is a skill in itself and will take time and patience.

Many a company I have consulted for only to have them tell me ?oh they are invaluable? or ?they are a waste? only to find out the opposite was true. Be as honest about your perceptions as you can be, if you can?t be honest try seeking an outside opinion.

So now to actually define your assets list your personnel one at a time, then list exactly what they are 100% responsible and accountable for and doing each day/week/month.

This gives you a quick glance of where you have staff and what they are doing. I am guilty as any at letting this slide from time to time, as you add new people or work on too many projects but you have to be diligent and really keep this up to date at all times, it will save you time/money/sanity.

Once you have defined the assets you have it?s on to allocating resources.
Allocating Resources

I define every person in an office as an asset and how I deploy, assign, and converse with them has a value. You have to define your assets and once defined be honest about allocating them. Maybe you have someone who is in a management position who would make the company more being a doer or a doer who shows good management skills, it?s really up to you be honest with yourself.

A killer in allocating resources is to know when you are wrong, admitting it, and correcting it.

I could write for ages on allocating resources but this is just a short summary and if you have questions feel free to ask here and I will respond.

After you have defined and allocated resources how do you go about getting them to create and then own new ideas?

Idea Generation

For me Idea generation is about getting your employees to engage in the projects they are working on and allowing them to fail, learn, and adapt.

This past year I have tried two tactics on it, and although lots of ideas came from them the idea ownership was almost nonexistent. The first was to do open idea brainstorming where people are in small groups and have a leader and note taker then do one idea per person, not related to anything just an idea, the second was directed and planned brainstorming and specific follow thru to project management.

Creating Idea Ownership and a slight recap

Idea ownership is taking those newly generated ideas by your teams and getting someone to take ownership of it, to actually make it happen, follow-up, and grow with the idea. If this were easy or easy to implement all companies would be nonstop growth machines, since it?s not, what you have to do is find the people who you believe will take on that personal responsibility and nurture and grow them.

Key take aways for me

Something that I am going over in my post recap on this topic is trying to decide my failure points, as in where did I fail the process or the development. Thinking about it further, I believe now that I didn?t have enough development resources to fully realize this as a way of culture. So in my next attempt I will hire more development resources.

Let me know your thoughts or questions.

John. 11-30-2010 01:09 PM

decent, thanks

myjah 11-30-2010 01:36 PM

Michael, thank you for contributing. Great introspective look at idea development from an individual/company known for launching successful products.

Stef. 11-30-2010 01:37 PM

very nice read!
Thank you for sharing

Nicky 11-30-2010 02:06 PM

Thanks for sharing that interesting read.

fatfoo 11-30-2010 02:17 PM

Reading more could help you.

mpahlca 11-30-2010 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by fatfoo (Post 17738632)
Reading more could help you.

Thanks I try, have you read any good books lately?

input 11-30-2010 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by mpahlca (Post 17738764)
Thanks I try, have you read any good books lately?

hehe, I think that's a fatfoo reply saying "take the time to read, like this, and it can help you" not a personal opinion of you!

Great interesting read - good contrib :thumbsup

input 11-30-2010 03:39 PM

I would add, remove all notion of "I am your boss, therefore I have final say"

You are speaking (I assume) as a consultant, but if pyramid infrastructure could be dissolved from the workplace, it would be equally rewarding - define your assets could be perceived as a simple eg of a pyramid structure. Not everyone is equal for sure in knowledge, but doesn't mean anyone non-senior has a great idea (kind of the same lines of what you are saying).

Listen to your people - if Mrs X is in charge of entering 2257 records, she should be at an equal level of say as Mrs Y in Charge of Internet, since Mrs X knows as much as Mrs Y if not more when it comes to entering 2257 records.

everyone has their own area of excellence and like you say companies should realise their talents.

Paper_Amar 11-30-2010 03:45 PM

Always a good read :)

djroof 12-05-2010 07:13 AM

thanks for that

CaptainHowdy 12-05-2010 02:19 PM

I'm not into management but I do appreciate the fact you haven't included anything motivational that borders with some kind of spirituality...

izzynew 12-05-2010 05:40 PM

Interesting read and it brings out points we often forget. That employees are assets if you encourage them and make them accountable for their input into the business, rather than simply 'bossing' them.
The asset list. Great idea. Simple but workable.
And allocating resources. Yeah, I find that difficult. Needed the reminder :)

mukeshsnp 07-09-2011 02:23 AM

Thank you for writing it!

dc0ded 07-20-2011 04:03 AM

excellent article. very well written and very informative. thank you very much and keep posting such nice articles.

Aaron Media Az 07-26-2011 11:48 AM

Your posts are the shit. Keep em commin!

Pornstarchive 08-09-2011 10:46 PM

New to this board and amazing there is such a resource. Good post.

My Pimp 08-24-2011 02:05 AM

Very nice article.

SensualSexTube 01-15-2012 11:10 PM

Thanks for the advice. I believe I will call for a company meeting with my employees tomorrow :thumbsup

Bat_Man 04-22-2012 04:27 AM

Joss sharing my friend .. Going to mind it .. Thumbs up ..

realgirlsgonebad 05-20-2012 05:02 AM

nice one cheers

GFELIFE 06-09-2012 03:10 PM

gfelife is da best

Originally Posted by mpahlca (Post 17738469)
To start this is something I have been working on for some time, it?s not perfect but it?s what I believe in to my core.

Building Idea Succession

Every company out there started as one person, one idea and then that idea grows, gets taken up by others. They then expand the idea and grow the original idea beyond the scope of the founder/originator.

This is the expected growth pattern of most businesses, however when your idea stops growing how does your business continue to grow?

Does the founder/originator need more or better ideas? Of course they do, but honestly you are always hoping for staff that will take an idea and grow it with you.

I believe that in creating a culture of innovation, development, and accountability; you can create an office full of idea succession where your employees can grow your business for you.

Defining Assets

So the first step to me in office productivity and idea succession is defining your existing staff assets, being able to do this is a skill in itself and will take time and patience.

Many a company I have consulted for only to have them tell me ?oh they are invaluable? or ?they are a waste? only to find out the opposite was true. Be as honest about your perceptions as you can be, if you can?t be honest try seeking an outside opinion.

So now to actually define your assets list your personnel one at a time, then list exactly what they are 100% responsible and accountable for and doing each day/week/month.

This gives you a quick glance of where you have staff and what they are doing. I am guilty as any at letting this slide from time to time, as you add new people or work on too many projects but you have to be diligent and really keep this up to date at all times, it will save you time/money/sanity.

Once you have defined the assets you have it?s on to allocating resources.
Allocating Resources

I define every person in an office as an asset and how I deploy, assign, and converse with them has a value. You have to define your assets and once defined be honest about allocating them. Maybe you have someone who is in a management position who would make the company more being a doer or a doer who shows good management skills, it?s really up to you be honest with yourself.

A killer in allocating resources is to know when you are wrong, admitting it, and correcting it.

I could write for ages on allocating resources but this is just a short summary and if you have questions feel free to ask here and I will respond.

After you have defined and allocated resources how do you go about getting them to create and then own new ideas?

Idea Generation

For me Idea generation is about getting your employees to engage in the projects they are working on and allowing them to fail, learn, and adapt.

This past year I have tried two tactics on it, and although lots of ideas came from them the idea ownership was almost nonexistent. The first was to do open idea brainstorming where people are in small groups and have a leader and note taker then do one idea per person, not related to anything just an idea, the second was directed and planned brainstorming and specific follow thru to project management.

Creating Idea Ownership and a slight recap

Idea ownership is taking those newly generated ideas by your teams and getting someone to take ownership of it, to actually make it happen, follow-up, and grow with the idea. If this were easy or easy to implement all companies would be nonstop growth machines, since it?s not, what you have to do is find the people who you believe will take on that personal responsibility and nurture and grow them.

Key take aways for me

Something that I am going over in my post recap on this topic is trying to decide my failure points, as in where did I fail the process or the development. Thinking about it further, I believe now that I didn?t have enough development resources to fully realize this as a way of culture. So in my next attempt I will hire more development resources.

Let me know your thoughts or questions.

Bat_Man 08-12-2012 11:23 AM

Your ideas are very much helpful....my gratitude to you for that...........

smashits 08-16-2012 06:15 AM

In any business, hard work ,honesty really matters to make your dream successful.

jcche19 01-26-2013 12:07 PM

decent info thanks

DitmarDesign 05-12-2014 06:47 AM

useful article, thanks

isexybody 08-02-2014 02:18 AM

Thank you for that : Employees to engage in the projects they are working on and allowing them to fail, learn, and adapt.

silviustr 12-12-2014 01:48 AM

Thanks for super information!

bella.franceska 12-12-2014 01:48 AM

great post man, thank you

thecatwrites 12-12-2014 01:50 AM

I'm really glad to have joined the GFY forum. Amazingly supportive people, very informative articles.

miss.ralu 12-12-2014 02:25 AM

Cool read!

parleal 12-12-2014 02:27 AM

thank you for sharing all this with us!

newjack509 12-16-2014 03:06 PM

useful tips! thanks!

j3rkules 01-05-2016 12:06 PM

Excellent article.

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