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-   -   Derogatory use of words hahahaha Immaturity (https://gfy.com/showthread.php?t=506089)

Nysus 08-20-2005 12:45 PM

Derogatory use of words hahahaha Immaturity
Well, I thought I had found a better place than GFY where derogatory words weren't acceptable, though I was wrong; this place was the IRC chatroom for "gfy" which isn't even recognized by Adult.com / GFY.com as far as I know, though I suppose they'd fit well together.

Since it was a public chatroom though, I'm posting the logs of what happened ... enjoy. I hope people who believe that derogatory use of words will stand up and post in here, I'm sure everyone who use language in a potentially hurtful on a regular basis will come in here and laugh.. I hope you do, and then I'll at least know who you are; and you should take the advice I mentioned in the IRC channel.

[15:24] <justin> they are fags
[15:24] <fuze> most the places I've lived have no local police.
[15:24] <fuze> the rcmp is it
[15:24] * justin was kicked by Nysus (Don't be derogatory)
[15:24] * justin has joined #gfy
[15:24] <fuze> so no matter how small your police matter is
[15:24] * ChanServ sets mode: +o justin
[15:25] * Furious_Female sets mode: +v justin
[15:25] <fuze> it's rcmp
[15:25] <Nysus> fuze, no
[15:25] <Nysus> but yes
[15:25] * You were kicked from #gfy by MasterNappy (FF and I are the authority here.. learn it)
[15:25] * Rejoined channel #gfy
[15:25] * Topic is 'Go Metrics! > http://www.metrication.com/ | I wear my sunglasses at night | Mouse is now a father ;] | Men love Nappy <333333 4ever | 8/17/05 @ 8:95 am randy stephen was born ;] 9 lbs. (whoa!) 20 3/4's inches and healthy as possible ;] ;] ;] ;] p.s. c-section'
[15:25] * Set by mouse_hosp on Thu Aug 18 08:18:53
[15:25] * Furious_Female sets mode: +v Nysus
[15:25] <fuze> just think it's kind of funny to compare them to the fbi when they're the ones I call when my car gets broken into
[15:25] <Nysus> Furious_Female, do you like people using derogatory use of words?
[15:25] <Nysus> MasterNappy, do you?
[15:26] <fuze> there's no OPP in every province ;)
[15:26] <Nysus> fuze, no, but they head police is rcmp..
[15:26] <Nysus> MasterNappy, if you support derogatory use of words then i'll start my own channel, otherwise stop people from doing it; there's no reason for it
[15:26] <Furious_Female> I condone any and all profanity and valugarity, especially if its used towards me
[15:27] <aftershockmedia> whats derogatory?
[15:27] <fuze> no you don't
[15:27] <MasterNappy> lol
[15:27] <fuze> you got mad at me
[15:27] <MasterNappy> Nysus: I hate when a new guy comes in here and just because we give him ops he thinks he can go on a fucking power trip
[15:27] <Nysus> Furious_Female, profanity and valugarity have nothing to do with derogatory words
[15:27] <Furious_Female> I make exceptions for you fuze
[15:27] <Furious_Female> you dont like the word fag I take it
[15:28] <Nysus> MasterNappy, booting 1 person because they used said a derogatory word is a power trip ?
[15:28] <MasterNappy> booting a regular is
[15:28] * fris has joined #gfy
[15:28] * ChanServ sets mode: +o fris
[15:28] <MasterNappy> he's here all the time, you are not
[15:28] * Furious_Female sets mode: +v fris
[15:28] <Nysus> Furious_Female, not used in a derogatory manner; a hateful manner
[15:28] <Furious_Female> you're just in time fris
[15:28] <fris> hehe
[15:28] <fris> not staying long
[15:28] <aftershockmedia> cant we all just get along.
[15:28] <Nysus> aftershockmedia, no, that's why the world is fucked up and how it is
[15:28] <Furious_Female> I dont think anyone in here is hateful
[15:29] <fuze> i think some people are taking the irc kick function too seriously
[15:29] <aftershockmedia> ok sorry had to say that.
[15:29] <Nysus> so why use it? if it's being said, it's being said
[15:29] <fris> not even me :p
[15:29] <Nysus> "[15:24] <justin> they are fags"
[15:29] <Pubenemy> i hate my ex wife, does that acount?
[15:29] <MasterNappy> justin said the rcmp were fags.. and nysus got pissy
[15:29] <fris> everyone gets along here
[15:29] <fris> or get out
[15:29] <Furious_Female> dad's mad O_O
[15:29] <fris> why would someone get pissy over that
[15:29] * vvq has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[15:30] <MasterNappy> lol.. because they have no skin?
[15:30] <Furious_Female> someone is sensitive
[15:30] <fuze> i'm inclined to agree
[15:30] <Nysus> fris, it's hate.
[15:30] <fuze> they've never done anything for me
[15:30] <Pubenemy> fags?
[15:30] <Nysus> so, you only respect people who have made you money, or been beneficial to you?
[15:30] <aftershockmedia> Nysus the use of fags in itself is not hate. hell I know plety of fags and even more gay people.
[15:30] <fris> i will say shit, hahahahahaha, hahahaha, spic, paki, fuck, i dont care, cops are pigs.
[15:31] <MasterNappy> hmm.. where did we say that Nysus?
[15:31] <fuze> no, but I disrespect people who have gone out of their way to harass me
[15:31] <MasterNappy> now your jumping to conclusion
[15:31] <fris> doesnt change what kind of person i am
[15:31] <Nysus> aftershockmedia, fag and fags is a word, the way the word is used can be, or cannot be derogatory; Justin used it in a derogatory manner, as do many others in here
[15:31] <Furious_Female> Ok only problem is... if we censor one word, we have to censor all prejudices, vulgarities, profanities, opinions, and feelings because everyone has something they say or feel that people will not agree with
[15:31] <MasterNappy> well Nysus.. we're not in high school anymore, we're all big kids, and we can handle other people using bad language
[15:32] <Nysus> fuze, and the RCMP or gay men have gone out of their way to harass you?
[15:32] <fuze> the rcmp have
[15:32] <Nysus> and so you can't just call them assholes?
[15:32] <fuze> I didn't call them anything actually
[15:32] <fuze> I just agreed with a negative statement
[15:32] <Nysus> Furious_Female, yes, so why cause or create any possibility of anger?
[15:33] <aftershockmedia> i really do not go for censorship of even the most obscene or derogatory speach. Even if it personally hits home.
[15:33] <MasterNappy> noone is angry
[15:33] <Nysus> yes, I am
[15:33] <fuze> but I also use the terms "fag" and "gay" for negativity
[15:33] <Furious_Female> You're the only one enciting anger here
[15:33] <fris> fuze i was watching jerry lewis true hollywood story hes jewish, he got called down to the office during the whole nazi thing the principle asked him, "whats with all the jews" jerry punched him inthe face got expelled
[15:33] <MasterNappy> Nysus: get over it and get over yourself
[15:33] <aftershockmedia> i would be more upset with the censor than the speaker.
[15:33] <Pubenemy> this is getting too much like the forum with this drama
[15:34] <fris> ya i come here to get away from the forum
[15:34] <MasterNappy> you may as well be some christian finatic pressing your law on everything Nysus
[15:34] <fris> if you want drama post on gfy
[15:34] <fris> dont bring it here
[15:34] <Nysus> wow - was I ever wrong about you people. MasterNappy, you need to grow up, become more mature, and a better person; learn that there's no need to use language that could potentially hurt someone's feelings; I'm standing up for those people, if you want to call me a baby for that, then you're just more immature.
[15:34] <MasterNappy> screaming for the authority to protect your ears
[15:34] <Nysus> anyway, i'm leaving, no need to kick me
[15:34] * fris sets mode: +b *!*matt@*.xxxxxx.net
[15:34] * You were kicked from #gfy by fris (stop.)

This happened all within a 10 minute period and prior to that I thought everyone in there were more decent people than they seem to be.

It's quite immature; I linked the word to the thesaurus so everyone can see what other words could be used, maybe will help expand some peoples' minds and maybe some people will realize more indepth the meaning of immature.


pubenemy 08-20-2005 12:47 PM

Damn fags...

Sly 08-20-2005 12:53 PM

I think you take life way too seriously.

chadglni 08-20-2005 12:53 PM

If Nappy booted you I'd have to say you deserved it. He's a cool dude and wtf is with adult webmasters wanting to censor the world?

Nysus 08-20-2005 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Sly
I think you take life way too seriously.

You don't care about your life, or other people's lives / other people? I bet you're a really great person; being nice to 1 person, or a select few people, doesn't make you a nice or a good person.

Go to the other thread by the way.. http://www.gfy.com/fucking-around-and-business-discussion/506092-derogatory-words-equals-immaturity.html

wedouglas 08-20-2005 12:56 PM

GFY on IRC... LAME!!

mouse 08-20-2005 12:58 PM

only a FAG would get mad at someone calling someone a FAG! you QUEER!

Nysus 08-20-2005 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by chadglni
If Nappy booted you I'd have to say you deserved it. He's a cool dude and wtf is with adult webmasters wanting to censor the world?

Did you even read the whole thing, or did you simply not understand my point?

Is racism legal? How about hate crimes? No, they're not. So why would hateful words be legal? It's not censorship, unless you consider laws against racism to be wrong and to be censorship ... which would tell a lot about you and then I wouldn't care what your opinion or responses are.

Post in the other thread...


chaze 08-20-2005 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by wedouglas
GFY on IRC... LAME!!

:1orglaugh :1orglaugh

I know why?

chadglni 08-20-2005 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Nysus
Did you even read the whole thing, or did you simply not understand my point?

Is racism legal? How about hate crimes? No, they're not. So why would hateful words be legal? It's not censorship, unless you consider laws against racism to be wrong and to be censorship ... which would tell a lot about you and then I wouldn't care what your opinion or responses are.

Post in the other thread...


Racism is illegal now? :1orglaugh :1orglaugh :1orglaugh

Somebody better call the talk shows and fill them in.

Nysus 08-20-2005 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by mouse
only a FAG would get mad at someone calling someone a FAG! you QUEER!

If you truly believe that, then I feel sorry for you and everyone around you.

And, your statement was in a joking manner, and the word fag is fine; in Britian it's another word for a cigarette, and it's also terminology for a gay man; if you said fag in a derogatory way, then that's where there's a problem.

I don't think you people understand the difference..



mouse 08-20-2005 01:04 PM

which way do you think i meant it? and no, shouldnt have made 2 threads about it

Nysus 08-20-2005 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by chadglni
Racism is illegal now? :1orglaugh :1orglaugh :1orglaugh

Somebody better call the talk shows and fill them in.

Where have you been?.. Maybe you can't put the puzzle pieces together.. Let me help -- you can't fire a person of whatever race because of the colour of their skin -- get it?

http://www.gfy.com/fucking-around-and-business-discussion/506092-derogatory-words-equals-immaturity.html <- POST IN THE NEW THREAD.. Fuck, you people have a hard time reading / learning.


chadglni 08-20-2005 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Nysus
Where have you been?.. Maybe you can't put the puzzle pieces together.. Let me help -- you can't fire a person of whatever race because of the colour of their skin -- get it?

http://www.gfy.com/fucking-around-and-business-discussion/506092-derogatory-words-equals-immaturity.html <- POST IN THE NEW THREAD.. Fuck, you people have a hard time reading / learning.


I'm not posting in a duplicate thread with a new title. You can't fire people for lots of reasons, doesn't have shit to do with racism being illegal.

I do have a question though, have you recently suffered a concussion?

BRISK 08-20-2005 01:07 PM

You realize you're on a website called "GO FUCK YOURSELF", what language do you expect?

WarChild 08-20-2005 01:09 PM

When I Say fag I mean in the butt-humping-not-understanding-nature-shit-packing-please-die sort of way.

Do you suppose I'm being derogatory, too?

Although you may wish to be able to control what people think with laws, it's still not illegal to be racist.

Manowar 08-20-2005 01:10 PM


Sly 08-20-2005 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Nysus
Did you even read the whole thing, or did you simply not understand my point?

Is racism legal? How about hate crimes? No, they're not. So why would hateful words be legal? It's not censorship, unless you consider laws against racism to be wrong and to be censorship ... which would tell a lot about you and then I wouldn't care what your opinion or responses are.

Post in the other thread...


Since when is racism illegal? Racism is a belief, a thought, a feeling, and often an ignorance. The day racism becomes illegal I will cry for this country more than I have ever cried before. You're in Canada so I don't know, is racism illegal? Will you be charged and thrown in jail for not liking a black person regardless of the reasons?

Hate crimes are another story. I personally do not believe that hate crimes are any worse than the actual crime itself so I will not get into it too much... however, hate crimes do require a CRIME to be committed. The "hate" itself is not a crime or punishable.

Who judges what "hate" is? You? Your posted log shows no hate. Someone called another a fag. Big deal.

Sly 08-20-2005 01:16 PM

This year in Las Vegas I called a cab driver a "fucking asshole", I was very pissed off. I bottled up and expunged every ounce of hate I had in that statement. Was that a hate crime? Should I have been punished?

He did happen to be black. Would it have been that much worse if I called him a n*gger? I hated him just the same either way.

Furious_Female 08-20-2005 01:21 PM

Cry me a river Nysus


You are blowing this WAY out of proportion!

Napolean 08-20-2005 01:24 PM

Maybe he's finally taking my advice and only looking at what he wants to see..

In case you missed it in your other thread Nysus
Since you seem to keep missing the point, I'm against censorship.. if I dont like something, I dont have to listen to it and I wont, its easy as that.

Face it, what you want is called oppression.. you dont like something and because you cant sway attention you want to control everyone else to mold the world into your way of things.. that is wrong.

Hate or not, you cant change how someone thinks. And trying to force a change of views is no differant than what religion is doing to our country trying to tell us what we can and cannot see.. if you support any kind of censorship then you are in the wrong industry.

You cant pick and choose what part of what sides you want to stand for without being a hypocrite. Get over yourself and if you dont like what you see, dont look.

Furious_Female 08-20-2005 01:25 PM

For the record, I have NOTHING against gay/lesbians. I even support gay marriage rights :thumbsup I don't hate anybody :upsidedow

BRISK 08-20-2005 01:26 PM

How can you possibly come to a website called GO FUCK YOURSELF and complain about people's use of bad language and hope to find sympathy?

chadglni 08-20-2005 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Furious_Female
For the record, I have NOTHING against gay/lesbians. I even support gay marriage rights :thumbsup I don't hate anybody :upsidedow

Lesbian marriages should not only be legal but mandatory for 45% of the female population. :upsidedow

Nysus 08-20-2005 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Sly
This year in Las Vegas I called a cab driver a "fucking asshole", I was very pissed off. I bottled up and expunged every ounce of hate I had in that statement. Was that a hate crime? Should I have been punished?

He did happen to be black. Would it have been that much worse if I called him a n*gger? I hated him just the same either way.

Sly - If you're going to post, post with logic. If you called him a "fucking hahahahahaha" then that would be a hate crime; and everyone has an asshole, so you're just telling the person they are something crude, and being crude yourself.

My posted logs show no hate? You need to look up the word derogatory Sly. I'm glad Labret / WeLoveCock has cut back on posting bestiality on his MGP that your hosting the thumbnails for.. safer for your company too.


Sly 08-20-2005 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Nysus
Sly - If you're going to post, post with logic. If you called him a "fucking hahahahahaha" then that would be a hate crime; and everyone has an asshole, so you're just telling the person they are something crude, and being crude yourself.

My posted logs show no hate? You need to look up the word derogatory Sly. I'm glad Labret / WeLoveCock has cut back on posting bestiality on his MGP that your hosting the thumbnails for.. safer for your company too.


You're accusing me of posting with no logic? Ahaha.

And then you bring my clients and company into this little debate? Ahaha.

Who's the immature one here, Matt? Who? Would you like me to bring up some of your past to get an "upper hand" on you? Alas, I will not... I'll exercise MY maturity here.

I didn't realize 2 civil people couldn't talk and discuss an issue without one running in the closet trying to find "dead skeletons". You are weak. You are pathetic.

galleryseek 08-20-2005 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Nysus
Sly - If you're going to post, post with logic. If you called him a "fucking hahahahahaha" then that would be a hate crime; and everyone has an asshole, so you're just telling the person they are something crude, and being crude yourself.

My posted logs show no hate? You need to look up the word derogatory Sly. I'm glad Labret / WeLoveCock has cut back on posting bestiality on his MGP that your hosting the thumbnails for.. safer for your company too.


when it comes to derogatory terms, it's the context in which they're used that makes them good or bad. we don't care when black people call other black people n1gg3rs, why? because they're n1gg3rs!!!

George Carlin - Racial.mp3

Nysus 08-20-2005 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Furious_Female
For the record, I have NOTHING against gay/lesbians. I even support gay marriage rights :thumbsup I don't hate anybody :upsidedow

It's fine, but you don't stand up against people, which is fine too, it just shows who you are as a person. Not saying you're a bad person, it's only one part of you.

You guys/girl can have fun keeping this world a shittier place with derogatory language though - GO BIGOTS!

Keep posting.. this is fun.


WarChild 08-20-2005 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by Nysus
Sly - If you're going to post, post with logic. If you called him a "fucking hahahahahaha" then that would be a hate crime; and everyone has an asshole, so you're just telling the person they are something crude, and being crude yourself.

Yeah it's a crime.

You're a fucking faggot.

Do GFY a favor and call the RCMP, get rid of me.

Nysus 08-20-2005 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by galleryseek
when it comes to derogatory terms, it's the context in which they're used that makes them good or bad. we don't care when black people call other black people n1gg3rs, why? because they're n1gg3rs!!!

George Carlin - Racial.mp3

Yes, exactly. The list of words he used were fine.

These words, if he had mentioned them, would not be fine though because of their historical meaning.. not fine, beause they would offend someone, why should anyone potentially be offended? It's pointless.

Gyped - A stereotype (whether true or not) that Gypsies used to / were known to steal / rip people off. You can just say ripped off instead, no?

Chinsey - A stereotype that Chinese people are cheap; why not simply say cheap ass instead?

There are others... I don't think many people are on the same page as me however, and the intelligent ones who are, aren't going to waste their time posting in here.


Nysus 08-20-2005 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by WarChild
Yeah it's a crime.

You're a fucking faggot.

Do GFY a favor and call the RCMP, get rid of me.

You're dumb, in my opinion. Dumb means very stupid, by the way.


Nysus 08-20-2005 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Sly
You're accusing me of posting with no logic? Ahaha.

And then you bring my clients and company into this little debate? Ahaha.

Who's the immature one here, Matt? Who? Would you like me to bring up some of your past to get an "upper hand" on you? Alas, I will not... I'll exercise MY maturity here.

I didn't realize 2 civil people couldn't talk and discuss an issue without one running in the closet trying to find "dead skeletons". You are weak. You are pathetic.

Calling me pathetic and weak is really mature. LOL.

Bring up anything in the past, I don't care, you don't have anything on me that I didn't already argue my side on in here; I don't care who your buddies are or who's side you believe... I'm sure it's simply whoever is currently making you money or who you think could make you more money.

I work a little differently; I want to make good people money while I make money, not just make money.


WarChild 08-20-2005 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Nysus
You're dumb, in my opinion. Dumb means very stupid, by the way.


Well fuck, I guess I'm done for then. Woe is me.

Seriously though. Call the police on me.

galleryseek 08-20-2005 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Nysus
Yes, exactly. The list of words he used were fine.

These words, if he had mentioned them, would not be fine though because of their historical meaning.. not fine, beause they would offend someone, why should anyone potentially be offended? It's pointless.


Because not everyone gives a shit about other peoples feelings, especially when they know they're using those terms in a context which isn't in line with their historical meanings. I'll call someone a fag if they did something really stupid / ignorant in front of a gay person, and if they're offended that's too fucking bad because if they don't have the sense to understand i'm not referring to homosexuality, then they're someone with an intelligence level too low for me to associate with.

Nysus 08-20-2005 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by WarChild
Well fuck, I guess I'm done for then. Woe is me.

Seriously though. Call the police on me.

You must be Labret or a friend of his or something, or you're just being dumb.


Nysus 08-20-2005 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by galleryseek
Because not everyone gives a shit about other peoples feelings, especially when they know they're using those terms in a context which isn't in line with their historical meanings. I'll call someone a fag if they did something really stupid / ignorant in front of a gay person, and if they're offended that's too fucking bad because if they don't have the sense to understand i'm not referring to homosexuality, then they're someone with an intelligence level too low for me to associate with.

Sorry, but you're ass-backwards there.

If you post our last ICQ logs in here, I've proven my point.


Napolean 08-20-2005 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Nysus
Sorry, but you're ass-backwards there.

If you post our last ICQ logs in here, I've proven my point.


is there a reason you pick and choose who to respond to? anyone who's made valid points you ignore.

are you doing this for sig views?

WarChild 08-20-2005 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Nysus
You must be Labret or a friend of his or something, or you're just being dumb.


I'm just dumb. I need to get me some of that fancy book learnin'.

Gunni 08-20-2005 01:58 PM

maybe he was using the British term and calling them cigarettes!

Furious_Female 08-20-2005 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Nysus
It's fine, but you don't stand up against people, which is fine too, it just shows who you are as a person. Not saying you're a bad person, it's only one part of you.

You guys/girl can have fun keeping this world a shittier place with derogatory language though - GO BIGOTS!

Keep posting.. this is fun.


You are being prejudice at the moment, no? You are judging me based on a few lines of text. You do not know me, nor do you know my opinion on this matter. I'm not condoning derogatory language, hate, prejudice, or bigotry.

I almost always voice my opinion when I can (want to) and I'm certainly not afraid to stand up for what I believe in. I believe in free speech, free thought, nonconformity, anti-ignorance, and peace.

I do not hate anybody. The only thing I have a low tolerance for is close minded, hypocritical, and/or shallow people. Commenting negatively on someone's appearance, race, ethnicity, sexuality, income, etc etc. to me is wrong... but a person's personality and behavior is fair game, as those things are part of every human being equally. Certain offensive words aren't always meant literally, but sometimes figuratively speaking about someone's behavior and/or their attitude.

Context and perception... enbrace it.

nofx 08-20-2005 02:01 PM

stop being such a fag Nysus

if you want something to cry and bitch about, I will give you something to worry about

WarChild 08-20-2005 02:10 PM

François-Marie Arouet (Voltaire) once wrote:

"Not only is it extremely cruel to persecute in this brief life those who do not think the way we do, but I do not know if it might be too presumptuous to declare their eternal damnation."

Evelyn Beatrice Hall later wrote as an epitome of Voltaire's attitude the now famous words:

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

I guess they're just dumb too.

Napolean 08-20-2005 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by WarChild
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

bingo :thumbsup

nico-t 08-20-2005 02:27 PM

this thread is gay, you faggy cunt whore

After Shock Media 08-20-2005 02:28 PM

Well damn guess since I was there and I was also quoted from there and posted here I should respond.

First off you decided to become the room censor because the use of the word fag somehow offended you. I would like to englighten you to the fact that people have the right to offend you through the use of words, and more power to those that still can. Like I said while in there I respect ones right to offend me and hate the censor even more than any offensive speach.
Moving on, and sorry to break this to you but the word fag is openly and widely used among the homosexual community. I do have many gay friends and they have zero problem with this word at all. Now you can talk about the context of it of course, though if you do I doubt justin was using it in the same context you will presume. I know for a fact he was not saying it like they ride around on their horses most of the day only to dismount and blow each other and enjoy some mangina.
So please explain your stance and what made you think you can become the offensive speach police?

SOADa 08-20-2005 02:39 PM


pubenemy 08-20-2005 02:47 PM


SOADa 08-20-2005 02:52 PM

This guy's bitching is so annoying already.

When will men start acting like men again?

Boy oh boy. Action in this situation would definitely speak louder than words.

JD 08-20-2005 04:21 PM

i have an enourmous erection

Adulterate 08-20-2005 04:23 PM

lol damn too much for me to read haha

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